Are you often?

* Distracted
* Restless or impatient
* Bored
* "Spacey" or lost in thought
* Impulsive 
* Disorganized
* Leaving projects half done
* Lacking in follow-through, detail orientation, and planning skills
* Failing to live up to potential
* Procrastinating 
* Running late because of time managment difficulties
* An adrenaline "junkie" who needs excitement or pressure to get things done
* Stuck in negative thought and behavioral patterns 
* Likely to get so overfocused on a book or task that you lose track of time
* Not easily able to structure yourself or keep to a schedule
* Frustrated by the tendency to get in your own way of success

Adult AD(H)D, as in children, is characterized by difficulty concentrating for mundane activities, excessive distractibility and impulsiveness, and often (but not always), hyperactivity. While children with hyperactivity generally appear as if driven by a motor (e.g. constant squirming and moving), adults with hyperactive tendencies may experience an internal restlessness or agitation

If you have AD(H)D you probably struggle with finishing tasks and may be known for leaving projects half-baked, sitting for months or years until they are done. Distractability may lead to misplaced items or careless errors, or difficulty feeling fully present in conversations and relationships. Keeping things organized at home and work might be an enormous challenge and your home and/or workspace might be unusually cluttered. You might underestimate the time it takes to complete tasks or have trouble with procrastination. You may also have trouble controlling impulses and anticipating consequences, leading to problems like interrupting others, blurting out oprivate information, overreacting, impulsive overspending, or even substance abuse.

Counseling can help you better understand past and present difficulties, evaluate the role of AD(H)D tendencies in contributing to them, and create a plan to help you reach your potential. Counseling for AD(H)D often feels like working with a coach. I am likely to help you with goal setting and time management skills, help you find healthy outlets for stimulation and excitement, and teach impulse control techniques and procrastination busters.

Some people hesitate to get treatment because there are aspects of their AD(H)D brain that they like. This should not be a deterant to getting help.
I am very cognizant of the positive personality traits that often accompany AD(H)D. For example, many people who suffer from aspects of AD(H)D enjoy an extra dose of creativity, artistic or musical flare, are athleticly gifted, work well in highly stimulating situations (as emergency room physicians or personanel, as firemen, as EMTs or attorneys in the courtroom), or are "out-of-the-box" thinkers who turn their stimulation seeking tendencies into a strength. I encourage clients to honor the positive aspects of an AD(H)D brain, while at the same time compensating for, and/or correcting its weaknesses. Many creative personlaities with AD(H)D fail to reach their potential because of organizational and follow-through difficulties. They have exceptional talent, but they can't market it in the right way because of difficulties with AD(H)D related "executive functioning". Treatment doesn't get in the way of talent and creative energy- to the contrary, it helps harness the energy so that it can be chanelled in the most productive and organized way.

Is there proof that therapy works for ADD and ADHD?
There are many studies showing that medication without counseling is not much better in the long term than no treatment at all (Satterfield, Expert Review of Neuro-Therapeutics writes, “Medication combined with cognitive behavioral therapy is a far more effective treatment, especially for addressing the emotional and functional aspects of people’s lives and thus improving occupational, interpersonal and emotional outcomes.” Therapy can also reduce the dosage or even the need for medication at all. In fact, a recent US News & World Report article explicitly recommends behavioral interventions prior to medication for the treatment of ADHD.

I am very interested in alternative and complimentary treatments for ADD/ADHD. While I am not against medication, it can have side effects and does not do anything to permanent benefit brain functioning. I am very excited to offer neurofeedback as a safe, healthy, and permanent solution for many aspects of AD(H)D. Neurofeedback is a non-invasive, computer based system of intervention which retrains the brain to be more attentive and balances out any over or underactivity. This technique is explained in more detail on my neurofeedback page. In short, electrodes are placed on areas of the head related to AD(H)D symptoms in order to measure brain wave activity and then guide it to the normal range. For example, 80% of AD(H)D sufferers have too little alert "beta" waves in the brain's prefrontal cortex, and too many "sleepy" "alpha" or "delta" brain waves in that area. Through neurofeedback software the prefrontal cortex can be trained to have more beta waves, just as a non-AD(H)D brain would. I have personally seen this method change many people's lives. I am happy to offer this as a treatment option because it gets to the root of the "brain wiring" difficulties which cause AD(H)D symptoms.

I am also knowledgeable about natural supplements with research supporting their efficacy and keep up with the literature on diet and lifestyle issues that effect attention and mood. I can help you make empowered decisions in handling AD(H)D tendencies, navigate alternative treatment options, and monitor your success.

Call today, for personalized recommendations and counseling.... Don't let ADD/ADHD related problems get in the way of your life!

We are located in Clifton, NJ, providing in-person and online appointments throughout the state of New Jersey.